<BGSOUND SRC="lambada1.mid"> Have fun!   Dasha 2006

  Welcome to Dasha's homepage!

      Hi everyone! Thank you very much for visiting my home page! This homepage has a lot of fun and games for small kids.
      My name is Daria Merkurjev. I was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia in the middle of the day. I live with my twin sister, Katie  (click here, if you want to see her home page; Katie in UCLA), my mother, Olga and my father, Alexander. I had spent two years in America. When I first came to America I was afraid to death. I could not speak English at that time.  In Russia I and Katie learned only a little words. We could only say simple words like "cat", "dog'', ''yes" and "no". I could no communicate with others
( exept my sister, father and mother). When somebody spoke to me, I just said ''yes" or "no". Our friend, Vladimir Kasho (also Russian) picked us up from the airport and we spend the night there. I was not tired at all, because it was night and, when it is night in America, it is day in Russia so I was not tired. The first night we and Katie spend looking at the cars and playing quietly. Each day was better for me and finally
I slept at night and worked during day. When it was time to go to school, I was scared and I didn't want to leave my parents. Unluckily, my parents left and I was alone with my sister in the classroom full of kids of my age who were born in America. The first day was awful. I could not understand what my teacher was saying. I had a headache and the day seemed like a year. When then the first day of school ended, I ran to my parents happily and fast. I almost cried. I didn't want to go to this school. After a month living here I thought that America was not the one I should be afraid of . I got used to the kids in my fourth grade class. I knew the names of every child in my class. I could almost speak freely to anyone in the school. School did not seem to be awful anymore. I even made some friends. Their names were Amilia, Lauren, and Andy. They were really nice girls and me and my sister played with them every recess and lunch. They were really nice.

Do you remember when this last
happened in Los Angeles?

Here are my links. Click on one of those links you want to see and see what happens.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Moscow, Russia

My schools

Warner Avenue Elementary School

Mar Vista Elementary scored 822 on the 2003 Academic Performance Index

Paul Revere Middle School

with Dr. Fish as a Science Teacher and the Astronomy Club Leader.

Remember our Trip to Florida - 2004 with Dr. Fish?

Palisades Charter High School

Sport games
Wanna learn?
Fun for kids
Free kids games 
Online kids games 
Kids games download
Kids games download

My UCLA homepage

Mammoth, Christmas 2005


May 19, 2006 Prom

  This page had been created by Daria Merkurjev
My e-mail
I would appreciate, if you would write to me.